Baseball & Softball Scorekeeping
- Share Starting Lineups for Baseball & Softball
- Manage Lineups and Substitutions
- Basic Scorekeeping
- Scoring Errors
- Baseball/Softball Scorekeeping Training
- View Scorebook
- Pitch Type and Velocity Tracking
- Opponent Roster Import
- Starting Lineups
- Quick Lineups
- Editing Past Plays
- Editing Box Scores
- Adding Extra Fielders and Batters
- DP/Flex Players
- Batting/Pitching Season Spray Charts
- Pitch Counts
- Swap Home/Away
- Special Runner Rule
- Setting and Removing a Designated Hitter
- Player Position Tracking
- Scoring the Mercy Rule
- Setting Innings Per Game
- Scoring a Dropped 3rd Strike
- Coach Pitch Scorekeeping
- International Tiebreaker/ Place Runner on Base
- Game Clock